Saturday, December 29, 2012

Looking back and looking forward

So I've been looking at my project page on Ravelry that tells me how good of a knitter I've been this year. I can tell you I am an excellent sock knitter, other items can just bugger off. No that's not really true.

D scored heavily in the sock arena, more than any other year. In fact there was a pair of socks wrapped for him under the tree. He promised to act surprised and I'll say he did an OK job. He has five more pairs of socks this year, with another pair on the needles. He must have been a good boy this year.  And by good you know I mean showing proper sock appreciation. Although I do have one sock without a partner waiting in the wash. Hubby you might want to start looking for his pal!

I even found a way to repair one of his favorite pairs of socks. Mending is still a skill that eludes me. Well, the finesse of mending eludes me. The hole is technically covered, but the mended fabric is at least twice as thick as the rest of the sock.

But you know what? The hole was on the back of the leg not on the portion that you walk on so it should not bother him too much. 

I even managed to knit my Mom a pair of socks, finally! I thought about sending them for Christmas but I didn't want them to get lost in the packages or snow storms so they'll go home after the new year. We shall see if they fit and if she likes them.

I (as a good selfish knitter) scored big in the knit wear department. Ten pairs of socks, yeah I think I may have that particular pattern down. One sweater, one cowl, a pair of mittens, a Kindle cover and a hat that fits me, mostly. I made a lovely shawl that looks completely awkward on me, so I still need to find it a good home. 

While looking at my works in progress page on Ravelry, I decided to let some things go. Things that no longer feel right. Time to frog them and come up with a new plan. I need some bigger needles for my over stuffed thrummed mittens, and a new sweater pattern for the Central Park Hoodie yarn. 

On the flip side I decided to keep some ongoing projects and give them some time that they deserve. My toe up socks for D have 2-3 more inches on them than they had last week. My shawl that irked me so badly over the summer will see some of my up close and personal time, and I'm bringing a bunch of stitch markers to the party too! Plus I bought myself a nifty new magnetic pattern marker, so I will be able to follow the pattern better. A pair of socks that I adjusted too much from the pattern for me will have a simple plain foot and like it. That ought to get them off the needles, too. 

No more casting on till my knitting pitty party projects are all done. Good thing I have a sly sock (cast on just before the no new projects rule hit) on the needles that has not yet given me any problems either or whoo, January could be a frustrating month. 

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